They were pretty funny... they would try and sneak up to the food. Wandering, rather non- chalantly toward the persons food. Looking at the sky, playing with the grass, but as soon as you turned your back they would scamper over to the food. If you turned back to look at them, they would stop right away, and look back up to the sky... kinda like "what?? I'm not doing anything, just enjoying the scenery..."

These are the Bourke's luck potholes, a strange formation of huge cylindrical holes that have been carved by decelerating river water with sand particles. A really beautiful area... and below, Lisbon Falls. A few of us took a trip there on Saturday, it was amazing.

In the mornings this week we have had team meetings this and in the afternoons I go to the orphan care home. At the care home I work with a few others with the school aged children. We do a little devotional with them, and have a prayer time, then help them with homework and do a little lesson in English.
Additionally in the mornings I have been working on putting together packages with clothes etc... as gifts for the village.
The gifts are so needed and appreciated. It amazes me how well they care for their clothes. Many of which have been donated.
This week I have also been working on building some webpages, facebook fansites, etc... so feel free to join our fansite on facebook!
I went to the AIDs clinic it was really interesting. A government doctor was telling us how it all got started, she had it on her heart, knew only too well the need but had no idea how she could ever be able to do it herself. One day she met a guy that took an interest in the idea. He told her to write up a business plan to see how much money would be needed... before she got that done, she heard from another person offer her land... at a very cheap price, she called the other guy up and said she had wanted to buy the land but didn’t know how to get the money and hadn't even got started on the business plan... He told her the check is in the mail! And the rest, as they say, is history... It services many thousands of people(more than double the population of the Cold Lake area) although the clinic is no larger than one you might see in in Cold Lake. It is a great ministry.
Can you please let Dave know that we are praying for him and praying for the AIDs clinic.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am very upset at him wearing a Chelsea shirt, as he wore a Blackburn one when they were doing really well. Not wishing to call him a glory hunter.....
I love the pics! I would love to have seen those waterfalls in person!! Hope you are doing great Dave! You are in our prayers! Love from the Lewis fam!